Edward’s Timeline

Birth (20 Oct 1923) to Draft Notice (29 Jan 1943)

Edward was born in Mt. Oliver, Allegheny County, near Pittsburgh, PA on 20 Oct 1923. I have limited
details or photos of the early lives of either Edward or Leonard from family records … even high school records.

The family heritage came from Germany. The family owned the Lippert Bar & Hotel with boarders in Mt.
Oliver. After a web search, I was led to a large and interesting document. What I found interesting was that
one boarder, Mr John Pelzer, was named to be taken into custody based on a government program that
monitored German citizens. His name appears on Page 26 of 164 as a “German B-2” … explained below …
many citizens are listed. Here is the Arrest List document. On page 42, there is also a person listed on
Ormsby Avenue in Mt. Oliver.

President Roosevelt signed a Proclamation on 8 Dec 1941, which authorized the Attorney General at that time,
Mr. Francis Biddle, to direct FBI offices around the country to detain and confine German citizens. Page 3 of
this document shows the warrant that was issued. This was one day after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.
Although the 1st page of the document says “Japanese”, it only addresses German citizens. This secret
program was “in the works” long before.

This led me to undertake a bit of further research. I found out that the program was based on a Custodial
Detention Index (CDI) rating … a program of some controversy.

Then, I found an article on the German American Internment program in WWII.

I next found a great story written by a grandson about his grandfather’s detention at Camp Upton, Long Island, and
run by the Army … a must read.  Also, here’s another informative WWII site about Camp Upton.

I only have one photo of Edward prior to being drafted … this is of his service in the
Pennsylvania RDC (Reserve Defense Corps) … people who volunteered to protect
the States while regular army units were deployed overseas after 7 Dec 1941. Here
are two documents that describe the RDC Story:

Homeland Defense, Pennsylvania State Guard

Governor Arthur H. James

Finally, the needs of the country “came a callin’.” The Selective Service System, in
Pittsburgh, classified Edward as 1-A and sent him a draft notice on 29 Jan 1943 for
service in WWII.

Draft Notice (29 Jan 1943) to Arrival in China-Burma-India Theatre (May 1944)

Edward received a Special Order, an Induction notice, 20 Feb 1943, into the US Army, effective 27 Feb 1943.
The order directs Edward to proceed from Pittsburgh, PA to Ft. Meade, Maryland.  I believe he was then sent
for training at Ft. Bliss, TX with men from Tennessee and Texas.

Upon completion of training in Texas, he traveled back East and departed Newport News, VA via ship on the
USS General H.W. Butner.  Bombay, India was the ship’s final destination for entry into the CBI theatre.

The Butner previously departed Newport News for Bombay on 21 Feb 1944, arriving 8 days later on 1 Mar
1944. On this trip, the ship carried 6000 replacement troops and 500 replacement officers.  Edward departed
Newport News on the Butner on 23 Apr 1944.  I have no information of the ship’s cargo or number of troops.
The Butner crossed the equator in the South Atlantic on 1 May 1944.  Thus, his ocean journey was much
longer than 8 days.  It’s unknown exactly when the Butner arrived in Bombay during May.  Click below for a
photo and history of the ship:

Ship’s Photo:  USS General H.W.Butner

Ship’s History:  Wikipedia

Edward experienced a unique ocean ceremony on board the ship in the South Atlantic.  It is a long-held naval
tradition upon the crossing of the equator for the 1st time.  He received the coveted award on 1 May 1944
while on board:

Line Crossing Award

Line Crossing Ceremony History

Based on the latitude and longitude information in the award, I was able to locate the exact location in the
South Atlantic where he crossed the equator.

Arrival in CBI Theatre (May 1944) to Japanese Surrender (2 Sep 1945)

Other than a few letters that Edward sent home from various locations in the CBI theatre, I have no detailed
information on his military journey with the 475th. Thus, I have relied on visiting many websites, reading
personal stories and historical accounts, watching many videos that described the war that Edward probably
experienced … and the use of poems that reflect a soldier’s story.

Edward probably went into a training regimen upon arrival in India and before entry into combat. However,
Edward “reported” to the MARS Task Force for duty on 26 Jul 1944. He sent home eight letters before his
death … the 1st letter was sent 15 Aug 1944. I address each letter in paragraphs below.

I spent an eye-opening time viewing the next series of 7 videos titled “The Battle of China.” It
was a great review of the history of China and their culture, the Japanese invasion into China and their
brutality … and, eventually, the Japanese goal of world dominance.

The time you invest in viewing the next 63 minutes of videos are quite educational, which is part of my mission in
creating this website:

The Battle of China Videos

In researching the CBI theatre, you read a lot about General Stilwell, the Flying Tigers, Merrill’s Marauders, the
MARS Task Force, the Ledo Road, the Burma Road, and of course, the infamous Himalayas and the Hump
the cities of Myitkyina (pronounced Mish-i-naw), Lashio, Mandalay, and Rangoon in Burma, and Kunming
in China. Here is another story about the Hump.

Japan’s Tanaka Memorial document with their plan for world dominance was also an interesting bit of research.
History has a divided opinion on the validity of the Tanaka document. I have included another site of interest:

Tanaka Memorial

Patches for the Marauders and MARS are shown below:


After a significant contribution to the war effort against the Japanese, the Marauders were decimated during
1944 and disbanded. Thus, the MARS Task Force was organized. Edward was part of the MARS Task Force
with the 475th Infantry Regiment.

For those who might be totally unaware of the U.S. Army’s Command Structure, I present this interactive
website to give you a little more knowledge of today’s Army; however, you will not find a Regiment or a Task
Force directly shown. The site discusses changes in structure since WWII and even after the events of 9/11.

It was difficult to find information on the acronym “MARS”. After much research, I learned that it stood for
Marauders and Replacements” … a task force organized from the remnants of the Marauders and filled in
with reserves from many units. On the website by Sgt. Warren Weidenburner, previously praised, I found a
heart-felt poem on the MARS Task Force and a short story of the MARS Task Force:

The Mars Task Force (a poem by Pfc. Wade D. Hall):

“A soldier-written poem about the “Men of Mars.” The original poem, hand-written on
five pages and found between the pages of the book “The Marauders,” was written by
Pfc. Hall of the 475th Infantry, a unit of the Mars Task Force. Beautifully written, it has
been transcribed for easier reading or printing. The original pages can also be viewed.”

Comment: Just recently, I re-read a letter that Edward sent home … WOW … it was
the same poem as above. Pfc. Hall was in the same Company F as Edward and he
must have been so impressed with it that he rewrote the poem in every detail and sent
it home … an AMAZING discovery for me.

Mars Task Force (a short story by Ralph E. Baird):

“The 5332nd Composite Brigade (Provisional) was a long-range penetration force that
carried on the fight begun by Merrill’s Marauders. Mars was composed of the American
475th Infantry, 124th Cavalry, 612th and 613th Field Artillery and other supporting units
along with the Chinese 1st Infantry Regiment.”

From 15 Aug 1944 to 1 Aug 1945, Edward sent 6 letters home to family in Pittsburgh and 2 letters in Sep
1945, which I received copies of each. Actual letters are summarized below with a link to each letter,
interspersed with pertinent historical events. With regards to Edward’s letters, no content was altered and
some content may be offensive. In all the letters sent home, Edward never mentioned any ordeal in combat
that would worry his parents. During this period, I also highlight a few key historical events. If you want to
read all 8 letters in sequence, I created a master letter file.

Letter 1 – 8/15/44 (unknown location): Sends “Jap” invasion money … can get more …
“plenty of Japs around here … all dead …”

Letter 2 – 11/6/44 (from Burma): Sent photo of “Jap unit” taken from battle … sent
photo of Himalayas with 2 friends and 2 native boys (have no copy).

Before sharing Edward’s other letters with you, I would like to present several websites that summarize and
detail the actions of his 475th Infantry Regiment in the CBI theatre against the Japanese. The war was
fought by both British and American soldiers with support from India:

Central Burma Story – An extensive journal of the Burma campaign

The Mules of Mars – An interesting and amusing story of a MARS Quartermaster

CBI Theatre Maps:

I visited and watched a plethora of other sites. It was difficult to pick just a few to showcase here. Thus,
I decided to include all the other sites on Edward’s China-Burma-India WWII Links, if you are interested to
view them all.

Letter 3 – 1/31/45 (from Burma): Hears news about death of his brother, Leonard,
in Germany … remembers “Len” as a good, clean son and brother … tells family
“not to worry.”

Letter 4 – 3/15/45 (from Burma): Received letter from Charlie and Mr. Koppitz …
refers to food and asks mom to send hot peppers … mentions some woman and family
that he did not want to have any communication.

Note – Date unknown (likely written in Burma): Appears to be a note carried with
him written to anyone who might find or capture him.

Truman Video (1:44) – 6/7/45: President Truman warns Japan to give up.

Letter 5 – 6/16/45 (Lost in China): Best of health … busy schedule … wishes for
a nice, big, juicy steak and a blonde … not a blonde anywhere … send more
boxes … need camera.

Inactivation Letter – 7/1/45 (location unknown): There was a 2-page letter by
Pfc Bill Smock about the Inactivation of Edward’s 475th Regiment, 2nd Battalion
of the MARS Task Force … they were reassigned to Kunming (China) to help
instruct the Chinese troops against the Japanese. Edward was part of this group
as he ended up in Kunming,

Potsdam Declaration – 7/26/45 (Wikipedia): President Truman calls for Japanese surrender.

Letter 6 – 8/1/45 (China): “Things look cloudy over here … took some pictures,
still need camera & film … getting a suntan … request a bottle filled with the
right thing … need more boxes.”

A-Bomb on Hiroshima (4:36) – 8/6/45 (Japan): Enola Gay aircraft and “Little Boy” bomb

A-Bomb on Nagasaki (4:51) – 8/9/45 (Japan): “Fat Man” bomb

Comment: Although it may be difficult to watch these videos, it would be wise to
remember that many more people would have died in order to conquer Tokyo.

Truman Video (1:08) – 8/15+/45 (Japan): After the initial announcement of the Japanese
surrender on 8/14/1945 by Emperor Hirohito, President Truman then makes his announcement
of the same.

Japanese Surrender (2 Sep 1945) to Death (28 Sep 1945)

At some unknown date, Edward was reassigned from his Company F unit and elevated to Headquarters as the
Officer’s Mess Sargent. He sent 2 letters home before his death. I have also included more history stories:

The U.S. Army in Post WWII Japan – Chapter 1 (5:48): Incendiary bombings of
Japan induce surrender.

Japanese Surrender (8:37) – 9/2/45 (USS Missouri): Formal Japanese surrender
signed with General Douglas MacArthur.

Newspaper Article – 9/15/45 (Pittsburgh): Local Pittsburgh newspaper reports
Japanese surrender.

Newspaper Article – 9/16/45 (Pittsburgh): Local Pittsburgh newspaper reports
“World At Peace.”

Letter Envelopes – This link shows the envelopes from a couple of Edward’s final
letters sent home. They show some interesting information. First, notice the
bottom left of each envelope. Each letter was approved for mailing by an officer
to ensure no classified information was sent. Second, notice how Edward called
himself Cpl (for Corporal … Tec/4 was actually equivalent to a Sargent) assigned
to Company F. Third, notice the address is 142 Rochelle Street. Here is a photo
that I took in 2003 of the same home, some 58 years later … still a home for a family.

Letter 7 – 9/17/45 (Kunming, China): Busy last month … still a lot of sniper fire,
getting ready to move to Shanghai … now Mess Sgt for Officer’s Mess … I now
have 68 points … should be home by Xmas.

Comment: I had no idea what it meant to have “68 points”. So, I did some
research, which I found interesting. This website explains.

Letter 8 – 9/21/45 (Kunming, China): Going to Shanghai for trip home … took a ride
to a rest center … great to have a can of beer.

Comment: This was Edward’s last letter sent home before death. His last words
were, “So long, be glad, don’t worry … God bless you all … your loving son, Eddie.”

Edward left Kunming, China on 28 Sep 1945, probably feeling the great joy of taking a flight out of China that
would soon bring him home to family in Pittsburgh. Kunming is approximately at the same location as
Northern Mexico, and the same moderate weather, only on the other side of the world. It is situated on a 1.2
mile high plateau (about 6500 feet) and enjoys a protected location, surrounded by even higher mountains to
the north, west, and east … thus, this is why the Japanese attacked Burma from the south near Rangoon.
You fly out of Kunming into higher mountains. Sadly, his C-46 plane crashed near Chihkiang on his anticipated trip home.